Thursday, 4 December 2008

My first own blogcandy!


I'm celebrating my 10 year anniversary with my fiancée on thursday dec. 4:th! And what better way to celebrate than to let you all share the love by offering some blogcandy! The theme of this candy will - of course - be LOVE, to celebrate us and just in time for Valentine's. There are some rules though, so pay attention ;)

The candy starting out is a PB clear hedgiestamp+text. For every person that joins I will add something (within reason) so the more you spread the word the bigger the candy will be. Love gets bigger the more you share it, right?! You can earn an extra entry if you write about someone else's candy or a DT call. It has to be a new candy or DT call though, (nothing I or any of the other participants has written about.)

Here's what you need to do:

1. Make a NEW post on your blog writing only about this candy. Make sure to mention that it is to celebrate my 10:th anniversary and that the more people that join the bigger the candy will be (I hope I'm not in over my head here, lol) If you don't have a blog you can join too, let's spread the love.

2. Leave a comment under this post linking back to your blogpost. If you want an extra entry write about someone else's candy or DT call (that hasn't already been mentioned)

3. (optional) Write a suggestion on what to do to celbrate, what to get eachother, any other tips you might have. Boys are so hard to shop for!

Make a comment under this post ONLY if you want to join the candy (leave just one comment so it's easier for me to draw a winner later. If you want to leave another comment then please erase your old one, thank you). I have decided to leave the candy open a couple of days extra, so it will close on january 4:th, exactly one month after our 10:th anniversary. I will draw the winner shortly after that. The winner needs to contact me within a week or I will draw a new winner...Come back from time to time to see if the candy has grown :)

Spread the word and good luck!

EDIT Here's what I have found in my stash so far. Don't know if it looks that impressive, but it's a little of everything you might need for your Valentine cards; brads, shapes, eyelets etc. I also added two extra UM stamps and will look if I have some nice ribbons too (don't hold your breath on that one though ;)
I'm planning on enclosing some paper-things too, maybe some cuttlebugshapes etc. I guess you'll have to wait and see what I come up with.

Everything will be sent in a lovebag (not done by me, so I can't take the credit):

I know a lot of you are fans of the hÄngar stamps, so I'm sending some love-images from that line and also from Penny Black.


Cheri said...

It looks like I'm the first to comment - woohoo!

I posted about your candy, and also left a link in my CandyBar at The Paper Freak (direct link to post).

Another candy you should check out is Artfully Ila.

My husband is hard to get gifts for, too. He really loves stuff I make for him, though. One year for Valentine's I made him a card and a match book full of "matches" that were coupons for stuff like a date planned by me, a book of his choice, etc (and a few unmentionable ones). >;)

Happy Crafter said...

Hi Katrina thanks for entering my candy and as you can see i am now entering yours too i love the candy you have gorgeous hedgie stamp and fab sentiment. Sorry i have no ideas for a pressie i find it hard to get things for my DH too. I have posted about your candy Here.
Val xxx

Cazzy said...

Hi Katarina and congratulations! I would love to join in your blog candy giveaway.

I have put a link on my blog candy section.

Pressie ideas: Surprise romantic holiday,
His and Hers socks,
His and hers rings,
A book or box of "tickets" for a hug, kiss, and more!!!!****~~~~
A very special advent calendar with little gifts in each window.....

Bunny B said...

Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! :) I've blogged:

Here's a blog candy link to Hoosier Card Angel's Creations -

Pressie ideas : a nice watch, an iPod, comic books (if he's into them :P)

bunnybx at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

Hi Katarina

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I have put a link to your candy on my blog

As far as pressie ideas go, what about going back to where you had your first date, or the first restaurant you went to...we always try to go to where we had our wedding for special anniversaries....must think about booking that myself, hubby and I celebrate 10 years together next year!!!

Congrats again, love Em xxx

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! My congratulations to you!!!I like this stamp! I've linked your candy my blog: Thanks for a chance to win!


Pink Dandelion said...

Hi Katerina, many thanks for the opportunity to win this fab candy. I will leave a link on my blog shortly.
Bev is giving away a fab whiff of joy stamp on her blog along with some other goodies.

I cannot think of a gift (sorry) but I will keep popping back to see what others have suggested. It is my hubby's birthday on the 19th so need ideas myself. Good luck everyone Debs xx

Anonymous said...

My congratulations! 10 years IT'S GREAT. Let it be multiplied by 10 more.

Here is good idea that I had for my husband. I've made "box of love" : it was box nicely decorated and inside were putting 100 paper hearts where I wrote why DO I LOVE him. Hope it will help you.

I have added link in my blog here:

Another blog candy you can find here:

Annelies said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Here's the link on my blog.
Emma is also offering candy on her blog.
Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Jezz79 said...

Hi Katarina,and congratulations to you both!!! It´s not easy to find presents for men,but go out and eat a great dinner together,and give him a card you have made yourself! A link is on my blog.
/Jessica said...

Hi, congrats for your anniversary!!
I've add a post to you here

thank's for the chance to win

bye elisabetta

Natalija said...

It's always difficult to find presents, so we (me & my fiancè) decided always to have some trip as a present. It doesn't matter where, close or far... The main is to be together & bring a lot of new memories.
I have posted here:

Another candy has been offered by Robyn from "Daisy Quilts"

Thanks for your generous candy ;)

Heather Schlatter said...

Hi Katrina! Thanks for the chance to win this candy visit my Blog for a surprise!!!!


Ila said...

Congratulations!! a good evening for us would be a bottle of wine and a romantic supper.
I've linked your candy on my sidebar!!..Hugs, Ila

Conibaer said...

Happy anniversary Katarina! What a wonderful idea with this candy!!! I posted it on my blog:
I love the ideas for the gift written here so far. I´ll definatly come back and see if there´s something for our anniversary next week too! ;o)
Oh, and if you go out and see "Twilight" I can tell you the "end" right now because I´ve read the book! *lol*
Big hugs!

Astra said...

Katarina, my congrats on this date!!!
And the very best wishes - for you and your fiancée!!!
I've made a note here:

Unknown said...

Congrats Katrina! I love your idea about the blogcandy and I already posted about your candy on my blog.

Another blog candy u want to check out is on:

Anonymous said...

Hi Katrina! Happy anniversary! I posted here.
I will tell you about the candy, I'm sure no one knows about, it is my own first blog candy, that will be posted on my blog tomorrow or, Friday.
Have a great day

Chris said...

Hi Katarina, I've just found your great blog and I love your blog candy idea, it's for such a wonderful reason! I hope this candy doesn't get bigger than you can manage LOL! I've linked your candy in my sidebar where it will stay until it ends. I have a blog candy to share which I don't think you've already mentioned Elzybells Advent Calender, a candy every day until Christmas!

An idea for a gift isn't easy for a man but how about one of those boys experience days, where they can drive a racing car and other similar stuff or a lovely dinner and the theatre is always a favourite of mine for celebrations.
Chris :)

Oma said...

Hi Katarina!

Congrats on your anniversary!

I think you should celebrate by going to a spa for a weekend and get a couple's massage. Another suggestion is going away to a bed & breakfast for a weekend.

On my way to post the candy on my blog.

Karenladd said...

Congrats on your anniversary Katarina! My idea for a present would combine your crafting skills with a lot of memories. How about making a mini album, celebrating the wonderful times you and your sweetie have had over the years?! That, and a special candle-lit dinner sounds wonderful to me!

SHartl said...

Loving your card designs! Happy Anniversary to you and thanks for giving us a chance to win this darling stamp!
As for a present, how about giving him 10 each of some of his favorite signify your 10 years together?!! You can combine things to eat and drink with things to do or his hobbies! Have fun with it!!

Sena said...

I've linked:


Lorraine A said...

Hi , I have posted a link on my blog :-) Hope i win :-)
you can visit my blog here here

As for a Christmas gift for men , my sister in law bought a flying lesson for my brother last Christmas, I thought that was a fabulous idea :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katrina, Happy Anniversary. What an awesome reason to offer some blog candy, thank you for the opportunity to win. I have posted on my blog a link to your candy.

by clicking on my name it will take you to my blog at

The Vannoy Family said...

Congrats on 10 years! I've posted about your give away on my blog! Hope you have lots of fun on your anniversary! Thanks for giving a chance to win blog candy!

ribenaruby said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Post is on the right side bar and many thanks for offering your candy.I always struggle for men, what to buy etc.

Maggie Lamarre said...

Thank you so much for spreading the word about
Thank you so much for making us a success :)
Have a great week,

А@A said...

Congrats on your anniversary Katarina! And the very best wishes - for you and your fiancée!!! Thanks for the chance to win this candy
I've posted your link on my blog

Abby said...

I don't have a blog, but I'd love to be included! Thank you!

А@A said...

Congrats on 10 years! I've posted about your give away on my blog!Thanks for giving a chance to win blog candy!

Julie Temple said...

Congrats on 10 years!! My Hubby and I married after 10 years! As far as a gift idea, I am blank! Men are so difficult to buy for, especially if they get everything they need or want themselves, and MOST of them do...LOL! I have linked your candy on my Blog. Another great Blog candy is going on now thru Christmas at ElzyBell's Blog
Happy Holidays, and again Happy Anniversary~

julialynn said...

Hi! I posted and put a link on my blog!!! Congrats

Julie said...

Hi Katarina.

Well congratulations on your 10th Anniversary.

I think you may be in over your head - you already have 31 comments and I think this may grow substantially ! lol good luck. I am sure everyone won't mind you putting a limit on !

I have linked you in my side bar here: inspiration

As for what you could do for your anniversary, depending if you like this sort of thing, but I think it is really romantic and enjoyable if you go for a massage but a couple's massage ! And no girls this is not naughty! You just have two ladies massaging you both at the same time, so you can relax together and share the experience, but the ambience of the room (if it is a good place) is rally lovely. Some even make a day of it for you and champagne etc.. Then neither of you have to worry about a present for the other and you are sharing the experience.
Phew. ! Why do I talk so much even on comments ! lol!

Here's hoping and wishing for your blog candy!


-Agnes- said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! I have linked your candy here:

Below are three more candies that other people are offering:

For the last one you need to leave a comment at the tutorial post for the last of the "12 tags of Christmas".

Last but not least, to celebrate the occasion you could get each other T-shirts printed (or Polonecks embroidered for a more classy look). The motif could be related to a hobby you share. That will remind you throughout the year...

Emma said...

Ohh, what a good idea :)

Ive added you to my blog :)

Congrats on the 10yrs, some people dont make it that long!! lol so enjoy anything you do :)

Em x

Lynne in NI said...

Congratulations on your anniversary Katarina! I don't have a blog but I'd love to have a chance at your fab candy!

Anonymous said...

What a great candy! I'd like to win it, but I don't have a blog. I hope this isn't a problem for you.
I wish you a very creative 2009!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary!)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10th Anniversary.

A gift/idea suggestion: my hubby and I gave each other 10 things. 5 have to be homemade and the other 5 little gifts. My hubby made 5 cards for me with each one giving a clue to what one of the gifts were. The 5 gifts, little charms to remind me of different things we have shared. (one was the #10, one was our two little girls,a house-we moved into our brand new house a week later, our initials, and a letter-he is a mailman.
I still wear that bracelet every day. And that was almost 10 years ago.

Sara said...

Hi Katarina and Congratulations on your 10th anniversary.

I've added your link to my blog at:

Pressie ideas depend on how much you have left to spend after providing the candy LOL. How about tickets to something you both enjoy (concert, gig, theatre) so you get a bit of together time too.

Best wishes for the next 10 years.


Martina said...

Hi Katarina,
wish you good look for my candy.

And i wish you a happy 10th anniversary!

i will link your candy on my blog.

Anonymous said...

What a great way to celebrate. My suggestion would be to get a massage together then have an evening/day out on the town just the two of you:) Enjoy. Since MY blog isn't up YET I've emailed my girlfriends about your celebration and giveaway. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

!Felicidades! My wife and I look forward to a cruise on our 10th (w/out the little ones). Maybe that would be a nice getaway! I've advertised your sucess to the women in my life. Good luck,

Ultramum said...

Hi Katarina - thanks for your message and link to my blog :-) I am now returning the favour! Please enter me into your draw :-)


Pia said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've posted an entry with a link to your blog candy:

Here's some more fun candy you can check out:

Happy New Year, and congrats once again!

Beverley said...

Congratulations Katarina on your anniversary :) Thanks for letting people join such a lovely blog candy.

I'm sharing the LOVE at the mo as my now fiance proposed to me on Christmas morning!

Your candy has been linked to my blog at

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

My gosh i can't believe my post never showed up! glad i'm not late! hope you got my message about DT!! thank you for giving everyone the chance to win a lovely stamp

Carlz xx

card crafted said...

Awesome candy and awesome reason to celebrate!

I linked to here in my sidebar blog cady alerts and am just adding my comment to get you nearer to 50. I think I'm #49.....almost there!

julialynn said...

Happy Anniversary!
I have linked you on my sidebar,

Here is a contest that ends 1/5 for a smart shopper, something any woman who runs errands can use!

Anonymous said...

Hi and congratulations! Ten years is certainly something to celebrate. Here's an idea for you: Name a star for him (or the two of you). My daughter got this as a gift for her 18th birthday, and it was purchased for her at a place that sent a certificate and star map. I found this link for you and it looks like you can do it for free. Check it out at:

Hope that sounds fun to you guys!

Sorry for entering anonymously. I am kind of new to reading blogs-it's totally addictive-and still have lots to learn. I hope I can still be considered for your blog candy.

In the meantime, have fun planning your special celebration! Just the anticipation can bring much joy.
